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Website: www.restaurativ.com 

Membership: 245 members

Dr. Edina Lempel PhD, habil
Department of Restorative Dentistry and Periodonology, ClinicalCentre, University of Pécs
7621 Pécs, Dischka Győző utca 5.
Tel.: 36-72-535-926
E-mail: lempel.edina@pte.hu 

Dr. Ildikó Németh

Tel.: 36-30-689-9200
Email: nemeth.ildiko.gab@gmail.com

Address/postal address:
Department of Conservative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Semmelweis University SE
H-1088 Budapest, 47 Szentkirályi Street

Board members:

Dr. Edina Lempel
Dr. János Vág
Dr. Zsuzsanna Tóth
Dr. Renáta Martos
Dr. Ildikó Németh
Dr. Enikő Vasziné Szabó
Dr. Márk Fráter
Dr. Simon Botond Simon
Dr. Zsolt Döbrentey

 The mandate of the board members is valid from 1 September 2020 until 1 September 2023. 

About us:
Our main mission is to help developing the oral health of our society by educating, practising the medical care in the field of conservative dentistry, and through the excellence in scientific research.
In order to maintain a high level of professional development and quality, we report both the national and international scientific results to our members and those who are interested in it. 
We build and keep contact with national and international scientific organizations with which we have the same purposes. 
We review the new procedures and materials connected to aesthetic dental restoration and we also present them on trainings and scientific programs.