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Prof. Dr. István Gera- honorary lifetime president

Prof. Dr. István Gera- honorary lifetime president of the Hungarian Dental Association 


With this honorary title, the presidency of the Association expressed its gratitude to Professor István Gera, who, with his decades of work in the Hungarian Dental Association, made a permanent contribution to strengthening the Association's domestic and international prestige.

Dr. István Gera, Professor Emeritus of Semmelweis University, has received numerous awards as Head of Department and Dean. He has put the knowledge and surgical procedures acquired during his international studies at the service of Hungarian dentistry and Hungarian patients.  He established a new discipline in Hungary, he is the founder of modern periodontology in Hungary.

Dr. István Gera has contributed to the development of Hungarian dentistry and the Hungarian Dental Association, to the realization of its objectives and to the enhancement of its national and international reputation with his many decades of teaching, treatment and research experience and his school-organizer work.

He served as Secretary General of the Hungarian Dental Association for several terms (1997-2008) and for ten years was the President of the Hungarian Society of Periodontology, a member society of the Hungarian Dental Association. He was elected President of the Hungarian Dental Association in 2008 and led our society until 2017, representing it in international professional organisations (CED, FDI, IADR, IAP, EFP). His activity is essential as a member of the editorial board of our dental journal titled Fogorvosi Szemle.


The Hungarian Dental Association for his dedication and effort for the Association awarded Prof. Dr. István Gera the title of  "Honorary Lifetime President of the Hungarian Dental Association ".


We are grateful to Professor Gera for his tireless work for the benefit of the Association and congratulate him on receiving this award!


Take a look at the photos taken during the award ceremony in the gallery. 
