Visibility: Hungarian Journal of Dentistry

The Hungarian Dental Society has won and completed a tendered project to popularize the Hungarian Journal of Dentistry.
The project entitled "For Hungarian Dental Science" ran between January 2021 and April 2022.
The main goals of the project were to
1. Boost digital views of our online journal
2. Design and post posters within and outside of Hungary
3. Develop social media surfaces
4. Develop our website and the journal's online appearance
5. Devise a special issue of the journal
6. Organise an open editorial board meeting and an award ceremony
And we are proud to say that the goals above have been fulfilled.
1. Boosting digital views
The Hungarian Journal of Dentistry only appears online from January 2021. Before the start of the project, we hardly reached 1000 abstract views. But thanks to the project we reached as many as 2652- 4388 between December 2021- February 2022.
We are also proud to announce that we now accept English language articles as well, although abstracts have long been included in English.
2. Posters
We posted more than 600 posters to Hungarian and Romanian dental schools and libraries.
3. Social Media
In order to reach the digitally literate audience and the youth, we opened out Instragram and had several new posts designed for our Facebook and web sites.
4. Websites
We kept our wensite fresh as well as updating functions on the journal site OJS.
And had recent journals digitalised: Arcanum
5. Special issue
2022 márciusában a Fogorvosi Szemle megjelenő lapszáma
We published a special issue of the journal in March 2022, with the topic of the Hungarian language in Dentistry.
6. Award ceremony
We organised an open editorial board meeting and award ceremony, where our respected co-editors from Romania were invited.