HDA and the year 2019

As the president of the Hungarian Dental Association I shall briefly summarize what happened in 2019. This summary was presented at the general assembly on 4 September 2020.
- we started work on out new website
- the number of our members has been growing at a steady rate, we welcomed 75 new members in 2019
- we got support from three companies: Denti, PHILIPS, Johnson&Johnson
- we strived to keep our finances balanced while maintaining the financial support projects we offer for young scientists
- our journal Fogorvosi Szemle has changed its chief editor, and started its long and difficult journey towards becoming an online free access journal. We now use DOI numbers and have been working on the digitalisation of the entire volume of over one hundred years of journals. The digitized versions are and will soon become available free online for reding and downloading.
- we organised our annual scientific congress „Perspectives in Perio-Implantology and Conprehensive Dentistry” from 9-11 May 2019, with lecturers: Massimo de Sanctis, Sofia Aroca, Ricardo Kern, Sergio Bernardes, Ronaldo Santana, Jonathan Du Toit, Domingo Martin, Ricardo Mitrani and Eitan Mijiritsky.
- we handed over the prizes Körmöczi to annual winners, as well as the Dr. Bánóczy Jolán medal and award.
- we donated membership of outstanding support to the companies DenTi, PHILIPS and Straumann
- we organised prevetion-focused courses and screenings on 20 March, the World Oral Health Day
- I was nominated honorary global ambassador of the Digital Dentistry Society (DDS) and we have since then got 23 Hungarian DDS members.
- I find it essential that we represent Hungary with a joint effort together woth the Hungarian Medical Chamber in Council of European Dentists, CED)
- I represented Hungary on the FDI world congress in San Francisco not only as a national liaison officer of the FDI, but also as an invited speaker.
I would like to say thank you to all my colleagues of support and I wish that the years to come will contain as many and more success.
Prof. Katalin Nagy, president