SymposiumSzeged 4-6 May, 2023

SymposiumSzeged 4-6 May, 2023
Perspectives in Perio-Implantology and Comprehensive Dentistry
The Hungarian Dental Association has again organized its traditional international conference in May 2023, Szeged.
Our participants came from 25 countries, but this time again the domestic audience was the most represented. In the three days of the conference we welcomed more than a thousand visitors to the auditorium.
In addition to visiting 42 exhibitions from 48 companies, building relationships and self-development, the participants of the conference could even have the chance to drive a BMW.
- On the first day of the professional program, on 4 May 2023, for the first time in 2023, our program included a full-day training course for dental assistants and dental hygienists: together with the Hungarian Dental Hygienists Association we organized the First Dental Hygienic Symposium.
- The approximately two hundred colleagues participating in Thursday's program heard from five speakers about the peculiarities of the emerging profession in Hungary. Among the speakers were Prof. Andrea Mombelli, the President of the European Dental Hygienists Association, and Gitana Rederiene. As part of the one-day programme for assistants, a small group of applicants were able to expand their skills in a hands-on training.
- In the afternoon of 4 May, two dozens of dentists attended to the hands-on training: Professor Testori from Italy helped them to develop innovative and minimally invasive trends in lateral sinus lift and therapeutic alternatives. The piezosurgical approach could also be applied to anatomical models.
- On Thursday evening, the Hungarian and Turkish Dental Associations signed a Memorandum of Understanding.
On Friday, at the opening of the conference, Veronika Varga Bajusz, State Secretary for Higher Education of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, Dr. Judit Fendler, Chancellor representing the University of Szeged, and Dr. Zoltán Baráth, Dean representing the Faculty of Dentistry, greeted the participants of the conference.
The programs on Friday included several events of the Hungarian Dental Association, which you can read about in the Hungarian Dental Journal (Fogorvosi Szemle) and on our website:
- during the lunch break, the Association greeted its supporting and prominent supporting members, as well as the members of two international partner associations at the HDA's partner event
- the association handed over the Körmöczi Award
- The Bánóczy Jolán Medal and Award was also announced,
- and the HDA also held its General Assembly.
Last but not least, on Friday evening was the elegant gala dinner, where the speakers, company representatives and participants could continue building relationships in a relaxed atmosphere.
In the morning of the last day of the conference, we started with a special program; with the presence of co-authors Dr. Bak Nguyen, Dr. Masha Khaghani and Dr. Katalin Nagy, a hybrid, livestreamed international book launch was held : with the online presence of the overseas authors, they presented Leadership: Changing the world from a dental chair.
In the scientific program of Saturday, the audience could hear five excellent lecturers, thanks to which the auditorium was filled with spectators until the last performance.
On the Facebook page and website of the conference, you can also find photos of the event.
We look forward to seeing you in Szeged in 2024 as well!
Mark your calendars: 9-10-11 May 2024, SymposiumSzeged!