The new presidential board of the Hungarian Dental Association

The Hungarian Dental Association held its annual general assembly on 4th September 2020 in Budapest.
The assembly was held taking into consideration all the necessary protective measures that concern events during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The general assembly has mentioned the following points:
- Dr. Katalin Nagy, president summarized the main events and achievements of 2019, as it concerns the HDA.
- The presidential board has donated HDA membership of outstanding support to Procter&Gamble
- Körmöczi-awards were handed over to three young authors who won with their outstanding publications (see more about the award under
- Last but not least, the new presidential board of the Association has been elected.
The HDA presidential board, as of September 2020 is as follows:
Dr. Katalin Nagy
Chief Editor, Fogorvosi Szemle:
Dr. Péter Hermann
Dr. Judit Borbély
Presidential board:
• Dr. Márk Fáter
• Dr. István Gera
• Dr. Csaba Hegedűs
• Dr. Péter Kivovics
• Dr. Bálint Molnár
• Dr. Ákos Károly Nagy
• Dr. Ildikó Pinke
• Dr. József Szalma
We are grateful for our members for their help in observing the protective measures. We shall hope that the newly elected board will represent Hungarian dental science with fresh motivation.
See more information on the members of the presidential board under: