Register now: SymposiumSzeged 2024

Dear Future Conference Participant!
It is a pleasure to inform you that registration has now started for the international scientific CE course Perspectives in Perio-Implantology and Comprehensive Dentistry, also known as SymposiumSzeged.
The congress is held 25-27 April 2024. in Szeged, Hungary organised by the Hungarian Dental Association, with valued support by FDI, DDS and numerous esteemed companies.
We are honoured to have two swiss speakers and the ambassador for Switzerland in Hungary, Jean-Francois Paroz open the meeting.
For registration and more, visit the website:
On 25 April there are two main programme elements, a hands-on course for dentists with professor Anton Sculean and a one-day Dental Hygienist Symposium.
Register for these programmes in time, since seats are restricted and are taken on a first come first served basis.
Note: the language of all the lectures of the Dentalhigienist symposium is English with Hungarian interpretation, but both afternoon hands-on courses will be facilitated in Hungarian language.
The two-day scientific meeting features nine speakers from six countries. Eight of nine lectures are English language with Hungarian interpretation, one lecture is Hungarian.
On Friday night (26 April) the exclusive gala dinner awaits participants wishing to socialize. Book your gala ticket in time, the venue is soon to fill up!
Register before 15 March for early bird prices and also check the conference website for advice on accommodation.
All registrants have the possibility to become free DDS members, look for the link in your registration e-mail.
Visit our facebook page for more information, and hope to see you in Szeged this April!
Prof. Dr. Katalin Nagy DDS; Ph.D; DSc.
president of the conference
Full professor
Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry
University of Szeged
President of the Hungarian Dental Association