Digital Dentistry - steps in Hungary

The Hungarian Dental Association supports and promotes digital dentistry and its development.
Therefore it is our great pleasure to inform readers that a new BsC training course is to be launched from the year 2021: it will be possible for anybody to learn to be a digital dental designer at the new major called Digital Technology in Dentistry.
The course is designed in the cooperation of three institutions: Semmelweis University, the University of Debrecen, and John von Neumann University.
Photoes: Department of Prosthodontics- Semmelweis University
In order for digital dentistry to spread in Hungary it is essential that professionals and their teams are properly trained for the use of necessary technologies. This new major is a gateway towards this path: dental professionals as well as any other members of the dental surgery team can study digital technologies alike. It is a great mistake if professionals only follow guidelines often found in social media: therefore this legitimate source of knowledge is most welcome.
Hungarian digital dentistry can only be up-to-date if it follows international developments. For this reason many HDA members have joined the Digital Dentistry Society. You can read the welcoming words of DDS president Carlo Mangano on our website by clicking here.
The Hungarian Dental Association is enthusiastic about the continuing collaboration with DDS and wishes to invite new members to join. We hope that following this path we can help digital dentistry become part of the everyday work in our field.
Dr. Judit Borbély PhD